Na društvenim mrežama pojavili su se videosnimci koji prikazuju pretrpane bolnice u Kini, što je izazvalo zabrinutost zbog moguće pandemije, a i vratilo sjećanja na događaje s koronavirusom. No, HMPV nema teže posljedice.
The main idea of the text is that there is global fear of a new pandemic due to the spread of the HPMV virus, with particular concern about potential lack of transparency from China regarding the virus. Images circulating on social media showing crowded hospitals in China have fueled these anxieties, drawing comparisons to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The article further highlights public speculation about China possibly withholding information about the virus, adding to the sense of unease and uncertainty surrounding the situation.
The main idea of the text is that there is global fear of a new pandemic due to the spread of the HPMV virus, with particular concern about potential lack of transparency from China regarding the virus. Images circulating on social media showing crowded hospitals in China have fueled these anxieties, drawing comparisons to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article further highlights public speculation about China possibly withholding information about the virus, adding to the sense of unease and uncertainty surrounding the situation.